Our Mission

To build, uplift, and excel as an ensemble to pour back into our community to develop a thriving village


Our Philanthropy

The Phenomenal Women of Xi Delta Nu have taken a stance in support of


Advocate for the wholeness and well-being of all of humanity by:

Resisting Trivialization -  Our experiences and concerns are VALID and should not be subject to ‘trivial one-off’ logic

Resisting Minimization - We should NOT have to shrink our abilities, voices, and mindsets in order to assert our positions and beliefs.

Resisting Respectability Politics -  We are parting ways with ideologies like “Being lady like” as they are rooted in misogyny. We deserve all rights to experience peace, joy, and freedom in the livelihood we choose.

The Fight Against Social Injustice

The women of Xi Delta Nu are taking a stance against racism in all forms. We acknowledge that systematic racism is real, and we have zero-tolerance for oppression. We are pledging our time and efforts in the fight against our corrupt justice system, new age slavery, and the disenfranchise of our black/brown communities. While we support the well being for all races, unity, and inclusion we must also acknowledge the demographics who are suffering at the hands of our nation. We have taken the vow to remain dedicated to help those in need, and we will fight the good fight.

Mental Health Awareness

The women of Xi Delta Nu Understand the necessity of good mental health practices for all. Mental health is defined as a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. The Phenomenal women of Xi Delta Nu support activities and organizations that promote healthy mental health practices. We also plan to organize and support activities that encourage positive body image, mindfulness and self-care.